Okay, so what does this have to do with being a dad?
Well the owner of this truck is supposed to be moving on in life, leaving for another adventure. His friends didn't want him to leave, so they shrink-wrapped his truck in plastic, anchoring it to a tree.
Obviously, its not going to be so easy for the owner of the truck to leave; his truck is wrapped in plastic. But more than that, he will see how his moving on effects his friends, how much they wish they could keep him... how much they'll miss him.
Certainly they're glad for him, happy to see him happy and looking forward to the opportunity that awaits him.
It makes me wonder about the day that my kids will be moving on in life, leaving for another adventure. How will I react? Who will I take to baseball and basketball? Who will go to the dump with me? Who will come downstairs and give me a hug in the morning? Who will I take fishing?
Surely, I'm not going to want to see them go, but I will be happy to see them happy, looking forward to the opportunity awaiting them.. such a huge part of my life... how does a parent prepare? Maybe I should start stocking up on plastic wrap...